Thursday, 11 September 2008


Laura Mulvey, a typical feminist had based her study on the most famous work of ‘Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema during 1973. What this really was about was the work of Hollywood films, and how the males were seen to be the main protagonist. This can be seen to be very ironic at the fact that looking at today’s generation females are seen to be the main protagonist as the audience can identify with them and relate back to them, however this was one of Mulvey’s aim in her study. She added on to say that the audience become familiar with the males protagonist by identification, admiration and aspiration.

The ‘male gaze’ simply means when females are seen to be sex objects, and in movies are only there to be looked at.

Linked to Provoked...
This can be linked back to my study, as I can easily mention the male gaze, looking at Provoked, we see Aishwarya to be the main protagonist as she gets abused by her husband, hence, during the scene of her getting raped by her husband ‘ Sopophilia is seen, we as the audience (male) enjoy watching this happen even though Aishwarya is not portrayed to be a sex symbol.

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